
There are two ways to use our service:

An Individual

A mom, dad, room parent, etc. wants to thank one person or a small group—up to five recipients—such as a teacher, a coach, or camp counselor.

  • You want to appreciate a teacher and two assistants in your chid’s class at school. 
  • You want to thank the coach and assistant coach of your kid’s sports team
  • The nursing staff at the hospital who took care of your sick family member. 

An Organization

A school, sports league, YMCA, etc. wants to enable a fair and equitable way for the community to appreciate some or all of the staff.

  • A school PTA organizes for all the teachers and staff for Teacher Appreciation Week
  • A sports league can help the player’s parents to appreciate all the coaches of every team for rec soccer or flag football season.
  • Your camp counselors or volunteer coaches at the YMCA.

The Appreciation Company connects those who want to say “Thank You” to those who should be appreciated.


Those who are being appreciated.

busy moms


Individuals who want to appreciate someone and have the option of turning it into a group gift by inviting contributors.


Those who say thank you.

Pricing for Recipients

FeatureIndividuals & Organizations
View all of my notes, photos, and albums in one placecheckmark
View and redeem my balancecheckmark
Are there any fees to redeem?FREE
Where can I redeem my balance?Apple, Amazon, Kroger, Walmart, REI, 20+ more.
How long do I have to redeem my balance?FOREVER! Balances don’t expire.
How long can I view my albums?FOREVER! Your legacy and impact keep growing.
Can I request a new merchant be added to the list?You bet, just contact us.
As a Recipient, can I appreciate someone?checkmark
Anyone can organize their own appreciation for FREE!

Pricing for Organizers

Number of people I can appreciate (we call them recipients)Up to 5Unlimited
The number of people that can contributeUnlimitedUnlimited
Can I include Fundraising (for a PTA, facilities fund, annual campaign)checkmark
+ Contribution reporting for your analysis and donor records
Quick-links to invite contributorscheckmarkcheckmark
Email Template to invite contributorscheckmarkcheckmark
Text Template to invite contributorscheckmarkcheckmark
Delivery of Appreciation / gift / thank you on a specific datecheckmarkcheckmark
Printable Cardscheckmarkcheckmark
Automated Reminders to ContributeReminders are sent to the organizerTemplates provided for the organizer
Appreciation by Team or organization Structurescheckmark
Automatic Reminders to RecipientscheckmarkMost organizations prefer to notify their recipients
Cost to organizeFREEFREE
How long does it take to organize a new appreciation3 to 5 minutes—less time than drive-through coffee20 to 30 minutes, about the time it takes to pick up coffee and doughnuts for your team

Pricing for Contributors

FeatureIndividuals & Organizations
Easy digital interfacecheckmark
Mobile Optimizedcheckmark
Can I write a Thank You Note?checkmark
Up to 2000 characters—that’s about 20 sentences.
Can I share a memorable thank you photo or video?checkmark
One per recipient.
Can I contribute money to their gift balancecheckmark
$ is not required.
Is there a deadline to contribute?Appreciation pages never close or expire. Even if you are late, you can still participate.
If there are multiple people to appreciate, can I choose which ones to appreciate and which to skip?You have full flexibility, write a note to one person, share a video to another, contribute money to a balance to a 3rd person—mix and match as you wish.
Cost to contribute notes, a photo, and/or a videoFREE
Cost to contribute money to a gift balance
We have you cover these costs so that the recipients can have a free and amazing experience being appreciated without service fees.
$1.49 service fee +
you cover the credit card processing
fee of $0.30 + 3%

Give a Group Gift Today

Send notes, photos, videos, and funds in seconds.
No signup costs and no apps to install. Simply share a link so others can contribute.